Sep 10
I’m something of a girl about town, and wherever I am I seem to get recognized.
Some people come up and say Hi, others email afterwards to say they saw me.
So I would like to say a personal hello to:
Dave and Jan, who saw me shopping in Brighton, Jack, whilst dining at the Wolseley, Alec, at Gatwick Airport, Micheal, Lingfield Park racecourse, and Abdul at the Texeco petrol station.
And dont forget, wherever you are, if you see me dont be shy, say hello.
I dont bite, promise. Love Danica xxx
your non modelling photos are same exciting and beautiful. peolple understand your curvy body and fantstic lingerie under your wear, and feel totally at your orders.
non modeling….and still absolutely amazing! xx
this non-modeling shoot is hot as a volcano:::)))))
Gosh you’re so gorgeous!
natural charming !! what else ?
My neck of the woods. Trust me not to be paying attention.
Hello Danica, you should wear more leather, fits you really good…xxx
Well boys, I hope your keeping a good look out for me, cant wait Luv Danica xxx
If I were to bump into you, I don’t know what I would like grab hold of first…your ass or your tit’s….ummm… xx
A natural beauty ! 🙂 wish i’d bump into you 🙂 i’d blush and be stunned of your stunning appearence..
luv and kisses
I have being trying to bump into you for the last 25 or so years.One day.
Keep doing what you do best Danica.
I’d love to run into you and say hi if you’re ever in the US.
Hi Danica, I discovered you today and I think you’re incredible! Easy for you to say though, that I shouldn’t be shy if I ran into you. I suspect I’d be pretty much speechless.
Looking forward to your website being online and all!
I hope to soon have the pleasure of meeting you in person. Until then, I will continue to enjoy your websites.
Since you don’t bite do you at least nibble? : ) Thanks for all of the lovely posts.