Jul 11
Phew, temperatures are rising, which can only mean one thing: ‘Less Clothes’ so the layers are coming off, the skirts are getting shorter and flirtier, the tops are getting lower, and that only means one thing: You guys are feeling hornier, which can only be a good thing.
So here’s to a few more hot summer months.
Love Danica xxx
I would love worship your beatiful feet, in that lovely setting. Thanks again
Ah Dear Robert, thankyou honey, Hope your well, Luv Danica xxx
that looks like a lovely skirt to look up yummy
I’m moving next door to you!
In or out of clothes, your beauty is staggering. Delicious.
Naked or not. Danica is always hot and sexy! And that smile…!!!
Very nice!! Sexy as always!
It’s a pity you don’t live in my Country; you’d drive mad all men ’cause you’d live always in the nude!
I’d love to invite you to visit it but conditions among all sites are too bad in this time, in spite the remarkable quantity of interesting places from Mayan Zone, Olmec, Teotihuacan, Toltec, Aztec and so on…
Be happy at this lovely season, warm Beauty! (So as you make always all of us).
My lord Danica – you are such a breathtakingly hot and sexy woman!
These casual shots of you, something as simple as just sitting there and looking gorgeous (and fully dressed, no less!) get me more horny and lustful for you than (almost!) any glamour shot. I’m certain many of my fellow Danica admirers feel precisely the same.
-Please- continue to drop these wonderful non-studio photos of you here as often as you’re able, and as always…
Best wishes!
In summer temperatures rise, clothes are more scarce, small and lighter.
A breeze can reveal (inadvertently??) Normally hidden secrets;)
This makes men we raise the temperature, especially if someone like you, Danica, is who is scantily clad, small and lightweight.
I love the summer for this, but neither had a hard winter because I’m always seeing you you the temperature rises and, in winter, it was not cold. Watching you.
Even if you prefer to stay warm because we knew heat, and heat up together … we treacherous and impossible dreams!!
Love and Kisses !!!!!
Sorry, I use a translator on-line to write 🙂