Mar 12
Well finally Spring has arrived, and I for one am enjoying the lovely Spring weather we are having at the moment, and the longer lighter evenings.
This Weekend was a weekend of getting outside, and that was exactly what I did. As you all know Im an avid gardener, so I spent all yesterday digging, weeding and planting in the garden. I feel totally at peace when Im gardening, and I wish I just had more time to do it. There is nothing I like more than to throw on casual clothes, pull on the welly boots and get down and dirty in the garden.
Leaving you with a quick pic from yesterday afternoon. Hope you all had a great weekend.
Love Danica xxx
PS. I also wanted to wish Ronald a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow. I hope you have a very special day tomorrow honey, Love Danica xxx
Danica… *sigh* I came back to this photo, thinking I’d missed it when you first posted it, but I see I *did* view it, and even commented above! LOL!
But what I just don’t understand is… how can you be SO damned sexy in this pic?!?! I mean, you’re *completely* clothed head-to-toe, and you’re GARDENING for pete’s sake!
Nonetheless, this is one of the MOST naturally sexy photos I’ve ever seen you in…
Hi Vincent, yes indeed im British born, but with parents of Indian/Portuguese and Eurasion. Hope that helps hun xxx
Danica, I wish I knew why you looked so wonderfully *hot* in this photo, but you do!
Keep showing us your casuals/candids… they are greatly appreciated!
For real you could do a garden theme movie with a camera starring up at you from a flower bed as if the viewers are the flowers, like a minature fetish theme. Your garden must look pretty all year round when you are there sexy babe
you look really beautiful in this picture, I really enjoy your personal photos as much or more than the professionals. Congratulations to preserve your beauty at all times.
I wish I had a garden, then again…my ‘back garden’ is Epping Forest, i really enjoy walking through the forest in springtime and seeing the daffodils and bluebells. Danica ,are you a stonesthrow away from the countryside then or are you a city girl ?.
Hey Danica
I always wondered…… I know your british nationality-wise but what is your your ethnicity?
Thanks and keep up the real nice work!!!
You got me thinking there Miguel Angel xD
No, but serieus, finally i can play with my dog outside.. haha.. and wash my truck etc. and just chilling.. and listening some music. (like Doobie brothers etc.)
The most beautiful flower in this photograph is you sweet Danica 😉
Simply gorgeous pic x
As I would like to get down and dirty in the garden with you Danica!!!!!!!!
Even if doing gardening work.
:-))))))))) Thank you so much Danica. The day will now be even more special, I truly appreciate the birthday wish!! Luv Ronald xxxx