Whats New

So, What have I been upto lately?  Well, apart from trying to stay warm and dodge the rain showers, I have as usual been busy working on the site thinking up new naughty updates for you all to enjoy. So dont forget to keep letting me know what you would like to see me doing next.

Its not all been work, as I have managed to find time for a little play and pleasure: Meeting friends for coffee, the odd trip to the casino and a few weekends away.

So, with this coming weekend being a bank holiday here in the UK, Im looking forward to a few days away staying with friends in Suffolk, an easy few days of laughter with friends, long walks, dining out, and trips to the local country pub. Lets hope the weather is on my side, or I could end up spending the entire long weekend in the pub. (not that I would be complaining)

Enjoy your weekend what ever you do.

Love Danica xxx


15 Responses to "Whats New"

  • Lenny says:
  • pablo says:
  • Lenny says:
  • parmar says:
  • parmar says:
  • BjornB says:
  • Lenny says:
  • Lenny says:
  • Danica says:
  • Danica says:
  • Lenny says:
  • pablo says:
  • Lenny says:
  • Big Jazz says:
  • Lenny says: