Autumn Glory
There is something magical about all the Autumn colours around at the moment. Love Danica xxx
There is something magical about all the Autumn colours around at the moment. Love Danica xxx
Mmmm, I rather like the thought of that. Love Danica xxx
Look! I shop at the supermarket too. Love Danica xxx
Oh my, this is quite an eyeful dont you think? Love Danica xxx
Well Summer is well and truly finished, and Autumn is here, with Winter not far behind. So its time to start adding the layers and wraping up warm. Love Danica xxx
Just a quick post here on my blog, to let all my members know that I now have a new section on my site, Its a ‘Behind the Scenes’ section, and will include footage shot before and after and sometimes inbetween shoots. I hope you will enjoy watching it, and enjoy getting to know me […]
I fancy a bath, care to join me? Love Danica xxx
Why is it you guys just love a dangling shoe? Love Danica xxx
Sometimes when we shoot, things get a bit messy. Which only means one thing? Someone has to do the clean-up afterwards; and that is not going to be me! So, if you had to do the cleaning up, would you clean my shoes as well? Love Danica xxx
Wow! Today is the 2nd anniversary from the launch of ‘JustDanica’ The site has gone from strength to strength over the past couple of years, and I feel that with a full 2 years content on the site, I have firmly made my mark of the World Wide Web. I hope that in the past […]